Being Sick Sucks
Okay, this is a bit of a 'woe is me' post, which I realize is utterly ridiculous and comes from a place of perfect privilege because I have a stable job, a loving and supportive family, wonderful friends, and have had a healthy, low risk pregnancy thus far. I realize and acknowledge all of these things, and appreciate them fully.
That being said, being sick when you're pregnant is the PITS. Here's why.
- At least for me, all of my sick symptoms seem to be exacerbated to the millionth degree with pregnancy. Whether this is because everything is in overdrive or because my immune system has gone on strike (in which case, eff you, immune system), I have no idea. What I do know is that each ailment feels worse and lasts longer than said ailment would were I not pregnant.
- No good drugs. Tylenol Extra Strength and allergy meds only get you so far when you're dealing with a viral infection that is just sitting in your nose and throat. Nyquil? Not happening. Motrin? Fuhgeddaboutit. Just suck it up and appreciate that you're going to cough yourself into oblivion and not get much sleep. Practice for what's coming, people tell you optimistically. Screw that, I want to sleep.
There are other reasons that being sick is the PITS, but those two really sum up the top points. On the plus side, when I'm not coughing up a lung or unable to produce sound due to my strained vocal cords, I sound a little like a phone sex operator (this may be in my head...I may just sound like I smoke two packs per day).
Things I realize I should be grateful for in this process:
- I have a wonderful husband who is keenly aware of how I'm feeling and will force me to rest when I otherwise would not.
- I have a flexible job that enables me to work from home if I absolutely need to.
- I have the means and ability to get to the doctor and Urgent Care to make sure that I'm not seriously sick, just inconveniently sick.
- We currently don't have kids, which means that the number of constraints and realities that need to be dealt with are far less than what many pregnant mamas out there are dealing with. Moms and dads, my hat is off to you.
And yet...being sick while pregnant still sucks.