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Insights, Learnings, & Reflections

Mentor Mindset

I get asked a lot about how to find and cultivate relationships with mentors. A common misconception is the notion that valuable mentors only exist in long-term, ongoing relationships.

While there’s obvious benefit to having someone in your corner with whom you can check in regularly and work with over time, I think an overlooked or underappreciated relationship is that of the temporary or periodic mentor.

What does that mean? If you have an in-depth, meaningful conversation with someone for an hour or two, that in and of itself can serve as temporary or periodic mentoring for you (or for the other person!) provided that you shift your mindset. You can glean so much insight and information from someone if you approach the conversation well. A few tips and tricks:

1. Do your homework. Don’t come in blind and waste someone’s time. Know something about the person with whom you’re meeting. Have an appreciation for their background and experiences. 
2. Be specific in what you want your time and conversation to address. Make sure you come with questions. 
3. Engage with humility, curiosity, and vulnerability. Appreciate your own limitations in knowledge and be willing to share what you’ve been struggling with or what you’re trying to learn. Be open to feedback and pushback.  
4. Give in addition to receiving. Think about what you have to offer to the other person. Make sure to offer to provide them with something too, be it a connection, a follow up, or some thinking on a challenge they’re working through. 

What would you add? What are some favorite conversations you’ve had that have served you long after they’ve ended?

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