Staying Fit
I’m sure that these recommendations won’t work for everyone, but here are a few workouts and activities that I’ve found to be doable and enjoyable so far during pregnancy.
First and Second Trimester: Spinning, Strength Training, Yoga/Pilates/Core, Tabata Training, Running (Selectively)
Second Trimester: All of the Above, Kickboxing, HIIT Workouts
Spinning and Strength Training have been godsends. No matter how I have felt throughout this pregnancy, they’ve been workouts that I can consistently do. I’m optimistic that they’ll be able to stay in the mix for the rest of the pregnancy, especially since spinning is lower impact than some of the other workouts that I like doing.
Kickboxing and HIIT workouts are favorites when I’m not pregnant, but those were much harder during the first trimester when I was very tired and didn’t necessarily feel up to jumping and/or heavy activity. The second trimester has seen a reintroduction of these workouts, though they’ll probably sunset by the time we reach the third trimester depending on how comfortable I am working out.
One warning about HIIT workouts: I feel like a lot of the jumping (and with HIIT there's a LOT of jumping) makes me pee a little. I'm told to do my kegels. That doesn't make me feel any less like tuck jumps are going to make me pee my pants each time. Consider yourself warned.